The award-winning LMS for Enterprises
Create and deliver high-quality online
training to learners worldwide with Innform LMS.
Trusted by 100,000+ learners worldwide
Online training that works
- Create, deliver, automate and track your training
- The right balance of power and easy-to-use
- Develop learners with an intuitive learning experience
- The right balance of power and easy-to-use
- Integrate Innform with your existing HR workflow

Everything you need for online training

Assist your trainers
- Create courses, quizzes, manuals, calls and events
- Save time by automating training programs
- Reach out to learners with chat, news and surveys
- Engage your learners with gamification and more
- Update logos, colours, and messaging for your learners
Engage your workforce
- Multilingual and multi-device training
- Self-paced training with videos, interaction and more
- Gamification, social learning and messaging
- On-demand training libraries
- A customisable platform with 100+ integrations

“Innform is a very versatile and powerful LMS with great features and support.”
Amelie Kühner, HR Manager Intersport

“Innform eliminates cumbersone LMS processes and focuses on great user experience.”
Marina Salar, HR Manager Alannia Group

“Innform has a great user experience, excellent support and fantastic features.”
Chris Mounce, Digital Training Evaluagent

Better training starts with Innform
Get in touch with Innform for a demo and product quote

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