innform video courses

Video in E-Learning: How to Make the Most of Video Courses

Video is an essential element of e-learning. Maximize the Value of Multimedia Content

In today’s rapidly changing educational environment, e-learning is a highly effective tool for both learners and educators. As technology advances, knowledge is shared in new and innovative ways. Video is undoubtedly one of the most effective and engaging tools in e-learning today. Videos increase learner engagement, retention and satisfaction. It doesn’t matter if they’re embedded in a learning management system or delivered as standalone content. In this blog, we’ll show you exactly how video can transform your e-learning programmes by making the most of multimedia content.

Video is an invaluable tool in e-learning. It engages the viewer on multiple levels, making it an extremely effective educational medium. Video is an effective learning tool that appeals to a wide range of learning styles by combining visual, auditory, and sometimes even kinesthetic elements. Video is an essential component of any e-learning strategy for several key reasons:

1. Enhanced Engagement

One of the most exciting challenges of e-learning is keeping learners engaged – and it’s a challenge that can be won! Without the physical presence of an instructor or classmates, learners have the incredible opportunity to explore their own learning journey in a way that is unique to them – how exciting is that? Video content is the absolute perfect solution! It’s the perfect solution! It can bridge the gap and deliver information in a dynamic, visually stimulating way. It’s absolutely amazing how much more engaged learners are when they can see concepts in action through visuals or hear an instructor explain a difficult topic! Their interest and concentration levels skyrocket!

2. Retention, retention, retention!

Videos are an absolutely amazing tool for improving retention! Isn’t it incredible? Research shows that people retain a whopping 95% of information when they watch it in a video, compared to just 10% when reading it in text form. This is because video content creates fantastic mental associations through both imagery and sound, making it so much easier for learners to recall information later – it’s a truly amazing benefit!

3. Accessible Learning

In an inclusive learning environment, it’s essential that materials cater to different abilities and preferences – and the good news is, there are so many ways to do this! Videos are an amazingly adaptable medium that can be paired with captions, subtitles, or voiceovers to accommodate various learners, including those with hearing or visual impairments – how great is that? And there’s more! This flexibility also extends to language learning, where subtitles can serve as an additional resource for understanding foreign languages.

4. Contextual Learning

Some topics are trickier to get across using just text or static images. Videos can give you a better understanding of a topic by showing you what it’s like in the real world. This makes it easier for people to grasp complex ideas. For example, in a healthcare training module within an LMS, a video showing the step-by-step process of administering CPR is much more effective than text-based instructions on their own.

How to Use Video in E-Learning

Now that we know why video is so important for e-learning, let’s look at how to make the most of multimedia content in your learning management system.

1. Choose the right video format

It’s important to choose the right video format for your e-learning content. There are different formats that can be used for different purposes. Just to give you a few examples:

Instructional videos are great for: These are usually used for step-by-step demonstrations. For instance, software tutorials often use instructional videos to show users how to use each function.

• Explainer videos: These short, animated videos are great for explaining concepts in a simple and engaging way.
• Interactive videos: Interactive videos are a great way to get learners more engaged by letting them interact with the content. For instance, you could include quizzes or decision-making scenarios in the video to test how well learners understand the material in real time.
• Case studies and interviews: These can give learners a better understanding of how the subject is used in the real world and what experts think about it, which helps them think critically.

Knowing the different formats and what they’re used for will help you pick the best type of video content for each learning objective.

2. Video is a great way to learn, but it shouldn’t be used on its own.

To get the most out of it, link up videos with other features of your LMS, such as quizzes, discussion boards, or downloadable resources. For instance, after watching a video about sales techniques, learners could be asked to take a quiz or discuss what they’ve learned with their colleagues in a forum. This type of integration helps learners remember what they’ve learned and encourages them to apply it.

3. Keep it short and sweet!

We all know that attention spans are short, especially in a digital environment. It’s something we’ve all experienced! We all know how hard it can be to keep your learners engaged, so here’s a little tip that might help! Try breaking your content into small, easy-to-digest chunks. It’s a great idea to keep your videos to about five to ten minutes, with just one key concept in each one. This is a great way to keep your learners engaged and give them the chance to take a little break when they need it. It’s so important to make sure they don’t get tired or overwhelmed! Microlearning is a fantastic way to make learning fun and easy! It’s all about sharing content in small, easily digestible chunks! And it’s been a huge hit in e-learning environments!

4. Focus on Quality

It’s so important to focus on quality when it comes to your video content! If the sound, lighting or visual quality isn’t up to scratch, it can distract learners and reduce the effectiveness of the material. It’s really worth investing in quality production, whether you’re creating in-house videos or hiring professionals. Just remember that higher quality doesn’t always mean more complex. You’ll find that clear, simple and well-produced videos are often more effective than complicated, over-produced ones.

5. Make Videos Interactive

We all know that just watching something doesn’t always mean we’re learning from it. So let’s make learning fun!To keep your learners engaged and make sure they’re absorbing all that great material, why not try adding some fun interactive elements to your videos? It’ll be fun for them and it’ll help them learn!For instance, you could include some clickable links, embedded quizzes, or even decision trees where your learners can choose what happens next in the video. These lovely interactive components are great for transforming passive consumption into an active learning experience, which helps to solidify key concepts.

6. Leverage analytics

Good news! Most learning management systems offer analytics and reporting features that track how learners are interacting with your video content. This is a great way to see if learners are dropping off at a certain point in the video or re-watching certain sections. This data can provide valuable insights into how effective your video content is and where improvements might be needed. The good news is that by leveraging LMS analytics, you can continuously refine your video content to better meet the needs of your learners – it’s a win-win!

We’re so excited to share these tips with you on how to make the most of video in e-learning!

Best Practices for Using Video in E-Learning

• Make your content as personal as possible: Make sure you tailor your video content to your learners’ needs, preferences and learning paths. We all love a personalised video, don’t we? They can really help to boost engagement by making the content feel more relevant.
• Make it easy for your learners to access your content on the go! It’s so great that a big chunk of e-learning is enjoyed on mobile devices!It’s so important to make sure your video content is mobile-friendly! Use a responsive design, compress files for faster load times and make navigation intuitive.
• Make your videos more engaging by incorporating storytelling. We all love a good story, don’t we? It’s always a great idea to frame your content within a narrative. This makes it more relatable and memorable for your audience!
• It’s a great idea to provide captions and transcripts! Not only does this make your videos more accessible, but it also helps learners who may be in a noisy environment or prefer reading along with the video.

So, what’s the big idea?

Video is an amazing tool in modern e-learning, especially when it’s part of a great learning management system. Understanding different formats, using interactivity, and using analytics to make your approach better is a great way to create engaging and effective e-learning experiences that meet the needs of today’s learners. Whether you are creating content for corporate training, academic courses, or professional development, multimedia content is the way to go to take your e-learning efforts to the next level.